Sources for Betley history

Betley St. Margaret's Parish Registers

St Margaret's, Betley

Volume III, Part 2 (Baptisms, 1752-1793)


Folio 9a.

1752, Sept. 24. Elizab., d. of John & Sarah Bagnall.
Oct. 9. Dorothy, d. of Sam. & Sarah Hawkins.
Oct. 11. Margaret, d. of Wm. & Jane Penlington.
Oct. 22. Ann, d. of Humphrey & Anna Williams.
Nov. 19. Wm., s. of Thos. & Martha Owen (New Style).
Dec. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Steel.
1753, Mar. 9. Martha, d. of John & Ann Massey.
Mar. 11. Elizab., d. of John & Mary Thursfield.
Apr. 4. Wm., s. of Georg. & Jane Harding.
Apr. 28. John, s. of Georg. & Sarah Buckley.
Apr. 24. John, s. of Edw. & Jane Cooper.
May 20. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Crotchley.
May 27. Wm., s. of Mary Plant.
May 29. Eleanora, d. of Georg. & Anna Charlotta Penlington.
June 3. Wm., s. of Thos. & Mary Webb.
Aug. 15. Ann, d. of James & Elizab. Corne.
Sept. 9. James, s. of John & Mary Malpass.
Sept. 23. Mary, d. of Wm. & Elizab. Lovatt.
Sept. 28. Alethea, d. of Joseph & Ann Keen.
Oct. 14. Mary, d. of Ann Plant.
Oct. 19. Thos., s. of Henry & Elizab. Stoakes.
Oct. 21. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Barbara Bayley.
Oct. 21. Thos., s. of John & Ellen Jackson.
Nov. 18. Dorothy, d. of John & Elizab. Unwin.
1754, Jan. 6. Wm., s. of John & Anne Timmis.
Jan. 20. John, s. of John & Rebecca Stevenson.
Jan. 20. Sarah, d. of Wm. & Margaret Smith.
Jan. 24. Edmond, s. of Wm. & Elizab. Malpass.
Jan. 25. Alice, d. of James & Alice Meakin.
Feb. 10. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Feb. 26. Nelly, d. of John & Ellen Heath.
Feb. 26. Hannah, d. of Wm, & Ann Corne.
Mar. 13. Robt., s. of Wm. & Frances Clowes.
June 4. Thos., s. of Sarah Mateer.
June 16. Sam., s. of John & Hannah Leighton.
June 16. Ann, d. of Wm. & Elizab. Gibbons.
June 16. Ann, d. of John & Ellen Hilditch.
June 30. Ellen, d.of Isaac & Ann Scott.
July 14. John, s. of James & Susanna Nailor.
July 21. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Sarah Skinner.
July 30. Sam. Denton, s. of Georg. & Anna Charlotta Penlington.
1754, July 31. John, s. of Georg. & Jane Harding.
Aug. 1. Arnfield, s. of Wm. & Ann Bickerton.
Aug. 4. Susanna, d. of John & Susanna Roberts.
,, Nov. 17. Amy, d. of Matth. & Mary Lowe.
Nov. 24. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Martha Owen.
1755, Jan. 15. John, s. of Thos. & Ursula Gibbons.
Feb. 9. Randle, s. of Sam. & Martha Nailor.
Mar. 9. Thos., s. of Sam. & Lydia Harris.
Mar. 31. Betty, d. of John & Ann Massey.
Apr. 13. Mary, d. of John & Ellen Moore.
Apr. 27. Sam., s. of James & Mary Smith.
May 4. Rich., s. of Thos. & Barbara Bayley.
May 18. Mary, d. of John & Rebeckah Stevenson.
June 8. Alice Leech.
June 11. Thos., s. of John & Mary Wildigg.
Aug. l. Elizab., d. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin.
Aug. 5. Jane, d. of Wm. & Jane Penlington.
,, Aug. 10. Mary, d. of Sam. Hawkins.
Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Next above after the Triennial Visitation.
Sept. 2. John, s. of John & Ellen Heath.
Sept. 12. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Frances Clowes.
Oct. 12. Lydia, d. of Joseph & Ann Hilditch.
Oct. 13. Wm., s. of John & Mary Thursfield.
Oct. . 13. [Line illegible] Birkes (?).
Oct. 19. John, s. of Thos. & Mary Webb.
Oct. 19. Betty, d. of Isaac & Ann Scott.
Nov. 2. Joseph, s. of Edw. & Ann Brassington.
Nov. 30. Sam, s. of Samuel Brittain.
Nov. 30. Randle, s. of Edward Cooper.
Dec. 14. Peter, s. of Mary Sneyd.
Feb. 8. Wm., s. of John & Hannah Leighton.
1756, Feb. 7. Frances, d. of Henry Stoakes.
Mar. 26. Elizab., d. of Matth. & Mary Lowe.
May 9. Wm., s. of James & Susanna Hancock.
1756, May 9. John, s. of Margaret Johnson.
June 7. Thos., s. of Rich. & Sarah Merry.
June 7. Fanny, d. of Wm. & Hannah Brownsword.
June 7. Nancy, d. of John & Sarah Bagnall.
June 29. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Martha Hassall.
July 18. Ann, d. of Wm. & Sarah Hewett.
July 24. Wm., s. of James & Susanna Nailor.
Aug. 15. John, s. of John & Ellen Hilditch.
Sept. 12. John, s. of Edw. & Elizab. Read.
Oct. 24. Georg., s. of Wm. & Sarah Skinner.
Oct. 31. Wm., s. of Wm. Corne.
Dec. 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. Oct. 31.
Dec. 28. Jane, d. of Georg. & Jane Harding.
1757, Jan. 6. Jane, d. of John & Ellen Jackson.
Jan. 12. Margaret, d. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Wm. & Marg. Smith.
Feb. 6. James, s. of James & Mary Smith.
Feb. 13. Elizab., d. of Joseph & Mabel Glover.
Feb. 27. Elizab., d. of John & Rebecca Stevenson.
Mar. 27. Henry, s. of John & Ellen Moore.
Apr. 17. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Elizab. Malpass.
Apr. 30. Wm., s. of Wm. & Sarah Robinson, born Mar. 31.
May 8. Thos., s. of John & Ellen Heath.
May 15. Georg., s. of Thos. & Ursula Gibbons.
May 19. Jane, d. of John & Ann Massey.
May 22. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Ann Scott.
June 15. Rhoda, d. of John & Mary Malpass.
June 17. Ann, d. of Mr. Wm. & Jane Penlington.
June 26. Elizab., d. of John & Mary Wildigg.
Aug. 21. Martha, d. of John & Martha Breward.
Sept. 25. Catharine, d. of Wm. & Ann Rownson.
Folio 10.
Oct. 9. Nelly, d. of Thos. & Mary Wood.
Dec. 5. Wm., s. of Thos. & Barbara Bayley.
1758, Mar. 12. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Martha Owen.
Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Matth. Lowe, Junr.
Mar. 13. John, s. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin.
Apr. 2. Joseph, s. of Jonathan & Mary Hall.
May 16. James, s. of Wm. & Elizab. Gibbons.
June 25. Mary, d. of Francis & Mary Skinner.
June 25. John, s. of Rich. & Sarah Merry.
June 25. Frances, d. of Sam. & Sarah Hawkins.
July 29. Sarah, d. of Wm. & Sarah Robinson.
July 30. James, s. of John & Ellen Emberton.
,, Aug. 1. Martha, d. of Sam. & Martha Brittain.
,, Aug. 20. Sarah, d. of Sam. & Mary Bazlin.
A Copy of this Register was delivered into the Bishop's Court, 9 Sept., 1758.
Sept. 24. Elizab., d. of Edw. & Jane Cooper.
Nov. 1. Diana, d. of Mr. Wm. & Jane Penlington.
1759, Jan. 5. Dorothy, d. of Georg. & Jane Harding.
Jan. 6. John, s. of Isaac & Ann Scott.
Jan. 25. Phebe, d. of John & Sarah Bagnall.
Apr. 1. John, s. of John & Martha Heath.
Apr. 17. Robt., s. of John & Ellen Heath.
Apr. 17. Peter, s. of Ralph & Elizab. Wyld.
May 13. Thos., s. of Edw. & Elizab. Read.
June 5. Mary, d. of Joseph & Hannah Birkes.
June 17. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Mary Webb.
July 31. John, s, of Wm. & Ann Rownson.
July 31. Joseph, s.of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Aug. 19. Hannah, d. of John & Ellen Moore.
Oct. 9. Rich., s. of Philip & Ann Ball.
Oct. 14. Farmer, s. of John & Ellen Salter.
Oct. 20. Nolly, d. of Joseph & Ann Kesor, b. Oct. 7.
Nov. 11. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Malpass.
Dec. 2. Lydia, d. of Wm. & Mary Hall.
1760, Jan. l. Georg., s. of John & Mary Wilkinson.
Jan. 17. Egerton, s. of Georg. & Jane Harding.
Jan. 22. Mary, d. of John & Mary Bar (? Bamet).
Mar. 16. Sarah, d. of Matth. & Mary Lowe.
1760, Mar. 19. Ann, d. of Rich. & Sarah Merry.
Mar. 19. Elizab., d. of ———— & Sarah Hawes.
Folio 10a.
Apr. 4. Ann, d. of Wm. & Sarah Cooper [erased, Robinson written over it, apparently in a different hand],
Apr. 9. Alice, d. of John & Ellen Heath.
May 11. Thos., s. of Nath. & Mary Steel, of the parish of Barthomley.
June 24. Wm., s. of Wm. & Jane Penlington.
June 24. Betty, d. of Katharine Major.
July 27. Sarah, d. of Lydia Harris.
Sept. 21. Thos., s. of Thos. & Elizab. Swinnerton.
Oct. 12. James, s. of Sam. & Mary Bazlin.
Oct. 15. John, s. of Mary Broomfield.
Oct. 26. Edw., s. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Nov. 16. Renwell, s. of Wm. & Martha Steel.
Nov. 23. Elizab., d. of Thos. Taylor.
Dec. 20. Jane, d. of Chas. & Alice Guter.
Dec. 29. Chas., s. of John & Martha Broward.
1761, Jan. 15. Joseph, s. of Edw. & Elizab. Read.
Jan. 15. Wm., s. of Edw. & Elizab. Read.
Jan. 15. Joseph, s. of Mary Smith.
Mar. 23. Betty, d. of Daniel Tilstock.
Mar. 29. Nanny, d. of Wm. & Mary Keen.
Apr. 12. John, s. of Philip & Ann Dale.
Apr. 19. Annie, d. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin.
May 17. Edw., s. of Edw. & Jane Cooper.
May 21. Francis, s. of Francis Skinner.
June 3. Hannah, d. of Georg. Whittaker.
June 7. Sarah, d. of John & Rebekah Stevenson.
June 19. Nelly, d. of Thos. & Mary Webb.
July 12. Elizab., d. of Thos. Gibbons.
Aug. 9. Jane, d. of Joseph. & Hannah Birkes.
Aug. 23. Mary, d. of John & Ellen Emberton.
Aug. 30. Elizab., d. of John & Ellen Moore.
Sept. 6. Arthur, s. of Joseph & Mabel Glover, Audley parish.
Folio 11.
1761, Oct. 7. Georg., s. of Mr. Wm. & Jane Penlington.
Oct. 11. Ann, d. of Thos. & Elizab. Brownsword.
Dec. 20. Elizab., d. of Elizab. Yates.
1762, Jan. 29. Charles, s. of Chas. Tollet, Esq., & Katharine, his wife, b. Dec. 2, 1761.
Lord Bishop’s Visitation was Aug. 24th, 1762.
1762, Feb. 14. John, s. of Sam. & Martha Brittain.
Apr. 4. Sam., s. of Sam. & Mary Poole.
Apr. 14. Betty, d. of John & Ellen Heath.
July 31. Joseph, s. of Walter & Mary Ann Brassington. .
Aug. 8. Thos., s. of Thos. & Ursula Gibbons.
Aug. 29. James, s. of James & Elizab. Steel.
Sept. 5. Martha, d. of Rich. & Mary Wright.
Sept. 9. Elizab., d. of Ann Parker.
Oct. 11. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Elizab. Swinnerton.
Oct. 12. Georg., s. of Thos. & Ann Keen.
Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Edw. Read.
Oct. 14. Ann, d. of John & Hannah Timmis.
Oct. 24. John, s. of Wm. & Ann Corne.
Nov. 3. Rhoda, d. of Joseph & Ann Keene.
Nov. 13. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Keen.
1763, Jan. 5. Samuel, s. of Sam. & Sarah Hawkins.
Jan. 9. Rich., s. of Rich. & Sarah Merry.
Jan. 23. Thos., s. of the Revd. Mr. Sam. Buckley & Elizabeth, his wife.
Mar. 9. Wm., s. of Wm. & Elizab. Gibbons.
Mar. 12. James, s. of Stephen & Mary Grocott.
Apr. 4. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Dinah Crumpton.
May 13. Shipton, s. of Charles Shipton & Sarah Rider.
Mary, d. of Chas. & Alice Gater, privately bapt. May 4, publicly bapt. May 2.
Folio 11a.
1763, June 5. Wm., s. of John & Ann Bentely.
June 11. Mary, d. of Ralph & Betty Wyld.
June 23. Elizab., d. of Sam. & Mary Salt.
June 26. John, s. of Thos. & Betty Brownsword.
1763, July 17. Mary, d. of John & Martha Heath.
Aug. 8. Wm., s. of Wm. & Mary Harris.
Oct. 11. Thos., s. of John & Ellen Heath.
Oct. 29. James, s. of Francis & Mary Skinner.
Nov. 4. Thos., s. of Daniel & Sarah Tilston.
Dec. 25. Rich., s. of Wm. Rowley.
Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Keen.
Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin.
1764. Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of John & Ellen Emberton.
Jan. 29. Robert, s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker.
Feb. 19. Elizab., d. of Mary Higgins.
Feb 19. John, s. of Chas. & Catharine Hand.
Mar. 16. Isabella, d. of Wm. & Elizab. Hall.
Mar. 25. Wm., s. of Joseph & Hannah Birkes.
Apr. 8. Ralph, s. of Ralph Bagnall.
Apr. 24. Catherine, d. of Thos. & Elizab. Swinnerton.
May 27. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Mary Webb.
May 27. Mary, d. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton.
June 13. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Barker.
June 13. Anastasia, d. of Chas. Tollet, Esq., & Catherine, his wife.
July 22. Sam.,s.of Edw. & Jane Cooper.
July 29. Georg., s. of Mary Smith.
Aug. 1. Ann, d. of John & Ellen Moore.
Aug. 12. James, s. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
Sept. 2. Sarah, d. of Sam. & Sarah Hawkins.
Oct. 13. Thos., s. of Ralph & Elizab. Ravenscroft.
Oct. 21. Edw., s. of Walter & Mary Ann Brassington.
Oct. 21. Alice, d. of Mary Viggars.
Oct. 28. Thos., s. of Philip & Ann Dale.
Folio 12.
Nov. 22. John, s. of Thos. & Ann Keen.
Dec. 6. Wm., s, of the Revd. Mr. Buckley & Eliz., his wife.
1765, Jan. 13. John, s. of John & Elizab. Keys.
Mar. 10. Rich., s. of Edw. & Mary Read.
Apr. 3. Thos., s. of Thos. & Elizab. Grocott.
Apr. 12. Chas., s. of Chas. & Sarah Ryder.
1765, May 19. Nanny, d. of Rich. & Sarah Merry.
May 26. Rich., s. of Hugh & Elizab. Whittaker.
July 28. Wm., s. of  Sam. & Martha Brittain.
Sam., s. of  Sam. & Mary Salt, born July 20
Aug. 18. Chas., s. of Chas. & Ellen Gater.
Aug. 18. Ann, d. of John Johnson.
Sept. 22. Thos., s. of John & Rebekah Stevenson.
Oct. 6. Jane, d. of John & Martha Heaton.
Oct. 20. Sarah, d. of Chas. & Catharinc Hand.
Oct. 20. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Mary Keen.
Nov. 3. Nancy, d. of John & Mary Smith.
Nov. 17. John, s. of John & Katharine Wrenshall.
Nov. 17. Hannah, d. of Miss Tillcocks.
Nov. 24. Joseph, s. of John & Ellen Heath.
Dec. 15. Mary, d. of Benj. & Sarah Butler.
Dec. 25. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elizab. Swinnerton.
1766, Jan. 19. Lidia, d. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton.
Jan. 26. Georg., s. of John & Ellen Moore.
Jan. 26. Ellen, d. of John & Ellen Emberton.
Feb. 9. Wm., s. of Wm. & Ann Hand.
Feb. 16. Mary, d. of John & Ann Bentley.
Feb. 23. Thos., s. of John & Ann Jackson.
Feb. 23. John, s. of John & Ann Jackson.
Mar. 9. Sam., s. of James & Alice Gater.
,, Mar. 9. John, s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker.
Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate.
Apr. 12. Jahaziel, s. of Chas. Shipton & Sarah Rider.
Apr. 13. Georg., s. of Wm. & Elizab. Gibbons.
Folio 12a.
June 8. Matth., s. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin.
June 24. Joscph, s. of Joseph & Hannah Birkes.
July 25. Catharine, d. of Chas. Tollet, Esq., & Catharine, his wife, b. June 9.
Aug. 9. Betty, d. of Joseph & Elizab. Dain.
Aug. 10. Wm., s. of Elizab. Smith, of Wibunbury parish.
The Lord Bishop’s visitation was Aug. 16, 1766.
1766. Sept. 7. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Ann Keen.
Oct. 13. Sam., s. of Francis & Mary Skinner.
Nov. 30. Wm., s. of Joseph Brown, of Abberdeen parish in Scotland.
Dec. 31. Robt., s. of John & Catharine Wrenshall.
1767, Jan. 4. Catharina, d. of Chas. & Catharine Hand.
Jan. 5. Matth., s. of Sam. & Mary Salt.
Jan. 29. Sam., s. of John & Sarah Roades.
Mar. 15. Thos., s. of Sam. & Sarah Hawkins.
Apr. 26. Jane, s. of Jonathan & Mary Hall.
May 3. Alice, d. of John & Mary Wildigg.
May 14. Elizab., d. of Ralph & Elizab. Bagnall.
June 7. Elizab., d. of Hugh & Elizab. Whittaker.
June 9. Chas., s. of Thos. & Mary Stubbs.
June 14. Elizab., d. of Wm. & Elizab. Hall.
June 28. Thos., s. of Edw. & Jane Cooper.
July 25. John, s. of Georg. & Sarah Bale.
Aug. 16. Elizab., d. of Wm. & Mary Keen.
. „ Aug. 23. Wm., s. of John & Sarah Crosby.
Oct. 11. Georg., s. of Thos. & Elizab. Brownsword.
Oct. 13. Sam., s. of Ralph & Elizab. Ravenscroft.
Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Rich. & Mary Brittain.
Nov. l. Jane, d. of Chas. & Alice Gater.
Folio 13.
Nov. 1. Crispin, s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor.
Nov. 5. Elizab., d. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker.
Nov. 29. Ann, d. of John & Catharine Wrenshall.
Dec. 6. Henry, s. of Henry & Sarah Stoakes.
Dec. 25. Martha, d. of John & Martha Heath.
1768. Jan. 11. Joseph, s. of John & Ann Jackson, Junr.
Jan. 31. Sarah, d. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton.
Feb. 2. Mary, d. of John & Mary Smith.
Feb. 21. Rich., s. of John & Mary Johnson.
Apr. 3. Fanny, d. of John & Ellen Emberton.
May 11. Georg., s. of Sam. & Mary Salt.
May 22. Chas., s. of Chas. & Catharine Hand.
June 16. Martha, d. of Ralph & Hannah Harrison.
July 17. Thos., s. of Walter & Mary Ann Brassington.
1768. July 24. Sarah, d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate.
July 31. John s. of Benj. & Sarah Butler.
Aug. 7. Delicia, d. of Thos. & Elizab. Swinnerton.
Sept. 18. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Rhodes, b. 11. Sept.
Oct. 9. Hannah, d. of Georg. & Betty Meakin, born 16 Sept.
Oct. 9. John, s. of John & Ann Gater, b. 16 Sept.
,, Nov. 6. Sam., s. of Mary Ward, b. 23 Oct.
Nov. 20. Kitty, d. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. Nov. 9.
1769. Jan. 8. Georg., s. of John Moore, b. Nov. 26, 1768.
Jan. 8. Nancy, d. of Wm. Nicklin, b. Nov. 10.
Jan. 15. Charlotta, d. of Mary Moreton, b. Jan. 5.
Apr. 9. John, s. of John & Ann Bentley, b. 9 Mar.
Apr. 14. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizab. Dain, b. Apr. 5.
Apr. 24. Ellen, d. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Ap. 24.
June 3. Elijah, s. of Thos. & Mary Webb, b. May 9.
Aug. 14. Jane, d. of Thos. & Catharine Pemberton, b. Aug. 12.
Sept. 29. Ann, d. of Philip & Mary Turner, b. Sept. 21.
Oct. 8. Elizab., d. of John & Martha Blackhowe, b. Aug. 23.
Oct. 10. Elizab., d. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. Sept. 22.
Oct. 15. Joseph, s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Oct. 5.
Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of Betty Cooper, b. Nov. 3.
Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Martha Place (?), b. Oct. 5.
Folio 13a.
. Dec. 3. John, s. of John & Ann Clayton, b. Nov. 24.
Dec. 25. Peter, s. of Thos. & Elizab. Brownsword, b. Dec. 4.
1770, Jan. 2. Margaret, d. of James & Elizab. Stokes, b. Dec. 5.
Jan. 10. Hannah, d. of Chas. &Cath. Hand, b. Dec. 16.
Jan. 14. Mary, d. of John & Cath. Wrenshall, b. Jan. 8.
1770, Feb. 11. Catharine, d. of Rich. & Elizab. Whitmore, . b. Oct. 6.
Feb. 11. Sarah, d. of Sam. & Elizab. Hulse, Audley Parish, b. Jan. 31.
Feb. 27. Sarah, d. of Ralph & Elizab. Ravenscroft, b. Jan. 12.
Mar. 4. John, s. of John & Elizab. Burroughs, b. Feb. 3.
Mar. 4. Diana, d. of John & Sarah Crosby, b. Jan. 31.
Mar. 25. Nelly, d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate, b, Feb. 13.
Apr. 1. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Ann Barlow, b. Mar. 17.
Apr. 14. Betty, d. of Ralph & Elizab. Bagnall, b. Feb. 16.
Apr. 16. Fanny, d. of John & Mary Johnson, b. Mar. 11.
May 6. John, s. of John & Ellen Emberton, b. Ap. 30.
May 13. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Elizab. Hall, b. Ap. 23.
May 20. Alice, d. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker, b. Ap. 30.
May 29. Mary, d. of Sam. & Mary Salt, b. Mar. 10.
June 10. Thos., s. of Edw. & Jane Cooper, b. May 21.
July 22. Wm., s. of Francis & Mary Skinner, b. July 13.
,, July 25. Rich., s. of Edw. & Elizab. Read, b. July 2.
,, Aug. 12. John, s. of John & Mary Hancock, b. July 22.
Aug. 19. Matth., s.of Wm.&Mary Nicklin, b. June 23.
Sept. l. John & Elizab., s. & d. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton, b. July 30.
Oct. 7. Robt., s. of James & Mary Nailor, b. Sep. l.
Oct. 7. Thos., s. of Georg. & Betty Meakin, b. Sept. 23.
Dec. 2. Martha, d. of John & Martha Heath, b. Nov. 24.
Dec. 9. Stephen, s. of Thos. & Elizab. Grocott, b. Oct. 27.
Folio 14.
Dec. 27. Elizab., d. of Thos. & Martha Bate, b. Sept. 18.
Dec. 31. John, s. of John & Mary Basley, b, Sept. 30.
1771, Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of Sarah Penny, b. Jan. 6.
,, Feb. 12. Ann, d. of John & Ann Brooke, b. Jan. 17.
Mar. 24. Thos., s. of Benj. & Sarah Butler, b. Feb. 4.
Mar. 31. Dinah, d. of John & Ellen Moore, b. Jan. 31.
May 19. Daniel, s. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. Ap. 22.
May 22. Ann, d. of Rich. & Elizab. Withers, b. April 11.
May 22. Thos., s. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. Ap. 29.
June 14. Elizab., d. of Rich. & Mary Brittain, b. May 8.
June 23. John, s. of Henry & Mary Brassington, b. June 16.
June 27. Alice, d. of John & Elizab. Keys, b. May 16.
Aug. l. Dorothy, d. of Jonathan & Sarah Hand, b.,June 3.
Aug. 1. James, s. of John & Ann Gater, b. July 6.
Aug. 7. Mary, d. of Wm. & Martha Steel, parish of Audley, b. July 4.
Aug. 11. Mary, d. of Joseph & Elizab. Henbury, of Wibunbury parish, b. July 22.
Aug. 11. Wm., s. of Walter & Mary Ann Brassington, b. Mar. 30.
Oct. 6. Joseph, s. of Elizab. Lovatt, b. Sept. 19.
Oct. 6. Thos., s. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Sept. 30.
Nov. 17. Amy, d. of Chas. & Kath. Hand, b. Sept. 8.
Nov. 17. Ellen, d. of Joseph & Elizab. Booth, b. Oct. 11.
Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Martha Sutton, b. Nov. 27.
1772, Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of Georg. & Elizab. Steel, parish of Barthomley, b. Dec. 26.
Jan. 7. Matth., s. of John & Ellen Heath, b. Nov. 16.
Feb. 16. Sam., s. of John & Ann Bentley, Wibunbury parish, b. Jan. 25.
Mar. 1. Margaret, d. of John & Ellen Emberton, b. Feb. 18.
Mar. 3. Benjamen, s. of Benj. & Lydia Brion, of Wibunbury parish, b. Jan. 25.
Mar. 11. Sam., s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Feb. 15.
1772, Mar. 20. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, Wibunbury parish, b. Feb. 4.
Mar. 22. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Keen, b. Feb. 4.
Folio 14a.
Apr. 5. Robt., s. of John & Cath. Wrenshall, b. Mar. 4.
Apr. 17. Jane, d. of Joshua & Jane Abbots, b. Mar. 29.
Apr. 26. Jane, d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate, b. Mar. 13.
May 7. Georg., s. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Feb. 18.
May 17. Wm., s. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton, b. May 7.
May 31. Chas., s. of John & Martha Roberts, b. May 25.
,, June 7. Mary, d. of John & Sophia Ashley, b. Mar. 10.
June 10. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. June 5.
June 25. Georg., s. of Wm. & Lydia Ash, b. May 8.
July 12. Ann, d. of Henry & Mary Brassington, b. June 28.
July 19. Sarah, d. of Rich. & Mary Birkin, b. Ap. 10.
Sept. 10. Mary, d. of John & Mary Barker, of the parish of Audley, b. Aug. 15.
Oct. 13. Mary, d. of Thos. & Martha Bate, Barthomley parish, b. July 30.
Oct. 14. Georg., s. of John & Mary Hancock, born Sept. 19.
Nov. 8. John, s. of Sam. & Mary Salt, b. Oct. 20.
Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Ralph & Hannah Harrisson, b. Dec. 9.
1773, Jan. 10. Georg., s. of Dan. & Mary Clowes, b. Dec. 31.
Feb. 7. Ann, d. of John & Martha Heath, b. Jan. 27.
Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington, b. Dec. 21.
Mar. 7. James, s. of Joseph & Martha Platt, b. Feb. 10.
Mar. 14. Georg., s. of Georg. & Elizab. Meakin,. b. Feb. 13.
Mar. 14. Elizab., d. of Mary Jenkinson, b. Mar. 5.
1773, Mar. 24. Joseph, s. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Mar. 10.
Apr. 9. Wm., s. of Wm. & Mary Nicklin, b. Feb. 11.
Apr. 11. John, s. of John & Sarah Lovatt, b. Feb. 19.
Apr. 14. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah Hays, b. Feb. 1.
Apr. 18. Thos., s. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. Dec. 21.
May 9. Mary, d. of John & Ann Brookes, Barthomley, b. Ap.17.
May 10. Rich., s. of Rich. & Mary Brittain, b. May 10.
May 30. Ann, d. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. Ap. 17.
June 11. John, s. of John & Sarah Glover, parish of Audley, b. Ap. 26.
Folio 15.
July 4, Elizab., d. of James & Mary Nailor, b. Ap. 28.
July 31. Elizab. Bickerton, d. of John & Ann Shuffelbothom, b. June 9.
Aug. 1. Ann, d. of Georg. & Elizab. Steel, of Barthomley, b. July 18.
Aug. 15. Sam., s. of Thos. & Nancy Gibbons, b. Aug. 5.
Aug. 22. Elizab., d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate, b. Aug. 20.
Sept. 12. John, s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker, b. Sept. 7.
Sept. 12. Sarah, d. of Ralph & Elizab. Bagnall, b. July 20.
Sept. 19. Ellen, d. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Sept. 17.
Oct. 8. Mary, d. of Hugh & Elizab. Whittaker, of Wibunbury, b. Aug. 31.
Oct. 10. Dan., s. of John & Phebe Heath, of Wibunbury, b. Sept. 7.
Oct. 12. Georg., s. of John & Elizab. Heys, b. July 12.
Oct. 12. John, s. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Sept. 9.
1774, Jan. 1. Lydia, d. of John & Sarah Hewitt, of Wibunbury, b. Nov. 24, 1773.
1774, Jan. 3. Sarah, d. of Anthony & Mary Moore, of Barthomley, b. Nov. 10, 1773.
Jan. 4. Ralph, s. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton, b. Dec. 2, 1773.
Jan. 30. Cath., d. of John & Ellen Emberton, b. Jan. 24.
Feb. 6. Sarah, d. of Benj. & Sarah Butler, of Wybunbury, b. Dec. 28, 1773.
Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Walter Brassington, b. Nov. 13, 1773.
Mar. 5. Hannah, d. of Edw. & Hannah Barker, of Audley, b. Feb. 12.
Mar. 13. Ann, d. of Elizab. Smith, b. Mar. 10.
Apr. 15. John, s. of John & Elizab. Plant, b. Jan. 20.
Apr. 16. Thos., s. of Joseph & Elizab. Henbury. of Wybunbury, b. Mar. 24.
May 29. Mary, d. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, b. May 2.
May 29. Sarah, d. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, of the parish of Audley, b. May 2.
June 11. Randle, s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Ap. 17.
June 12. Wm., s. of John & Ellen Moore, b. Ap. 17.
Aug. 1. Sam., s. of John & Ann Gater, b. May 12.
Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Robt. & Bettey Dale, b. Mar. 25.
Sept. 11. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Sarah B ?, of Audley, b. Sept. 2.
Nov. 27. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Wright, b. Nov. 13.
Folio 15a.
1775, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. Oct. 14, 1774.
Jan. 1. Theodosia, d. of John & Shushana (sic) Dawson, b. Nov. 15, 1774.
Jan. 1. Wm., s. of John & Ann Brookes, of Barthomley parish, b. Nov. 8, 1774.
Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. Dec. 22, 1774.
Jan. 24. Wm., s. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Dec. 5, 1774.
1775, Feb. 2. Wm., s. of John Shuffelbotham & Ann Arnfield, b. Jan. 20, 1775.
Feb. 12. Ellen, d. of Wm. & Mary Keen, b. Jan. 23.
Feb. 19. Thos., s. of John & Ann Bentley, of Wybunbury parish, b. Jan. 15.
Feb. 19. John, s. of Mary Jenkinson, b. Jan. 27.
Feb. 26. Elizab., d. of Chas. & Cath. Hand, b. Jan. 30.
Mar. 1. Geo., s. of Geo. & Eliz. Steel, of Barthomley, b. Feb.17.
Mar. 1. Lucy, d. of Sam. & Mary Salt, b. Jan. 6.
Mar. 19. Elizab., d. of Jonathan & Sarah Hand, b. Dec. 17, 1774.
Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Thos. & Sarah Darlington, b. Mar. 27.
Apr. 14. John, s. of Ralph & Hannah Harrison, b. Ap. 1.
Apr. 30. James, s. of Chas. & Margaret Broades, b. Ap. 3.
May 21. John, s. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. May 17.
May 30. John, s. of Geo. & Elizab. Meakin, b. May 7.
June 7. Thos., s. of John & Elizab. Plant, b. May 7.
June 18. Chas., s. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. June 12.
June 25. John, s. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. June 10.
July 18. Ann, d. of Thos. & Mary Price, b. June 3.
July 23. Wm., s. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington. b. July 21.
Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Ben. & Dorothy Fox, b. Aug. 4.
Sept. 20. Mary, d. of John & Mary Gardner, b. July 22.
Oct. 8. Wm. John, s. of Joseph & Martha Platt. b. June 20.
Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Dain, b. Sept. 21.
Oct. 15. Sam., s. of Sam. & Frances Towers, of Swinnerton parish, b. Oct. 10.
Oct. 19. Ann, d. of Wm. & Mary Hitchin, of Audley parish, b. Aug. 26.
Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elizab. Wylde, b. Oct. 6.
Dec. 21. Wm., s. of John & Eliz. Cork, b. Dec. 16.
Folio 16.
1776, Jan. 1. Wm., s. of Joseph & Sarah [illegible], of Wybunbury, b. Dec. 16, 1775.
Jan. 30. Thos., s. of John & Martha Lowe, of Barthomley, b. Jan. 26, 1776.
Jan. 28. Georg., s. of John & Martha Rowley (?), b. Jan. 11, 1776.
Feb. 22. Martha, d. of Chas. & Cath. Hand, b. Feb. 6.
Feb. 25. Benj., s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, b. Feb. 17.
Mar. 6. John, s. of Hannah Brownsword, b. Mar. 5.
Mar. 31. Thos. Wright Perry, s. of Thos. Wright Perry & Eliz., his wife, b. Mar. 26, 1776.
May 12. Georg., s. of Geo. & Hannah Whittaker, b. Ap. 24.
May 26. John Thos., s. of John & Mary Wright, b. May 16.
May 23. Jane, d. of Sam. & Jane Platt, b. May 21.
June 30. Wm., s. of Ralph & Elizab. Bagnall, b. May 20.
July 21. Thos., s. of Dan. & Mary Clowes, of Barthomley, b. July 14.
July 31. Rich., s. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. July 9.
Oct. 14. Ellen, d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Sept. 21.
Dec. 25. Geo., s. of Joseph & Eliz. Henbury, of Wybunbury, b. Dec. 10.
1777, Jan. l. Thos., s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Nov. 17, 1776.
Jan. l. Geo., s. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. Oct. 12, 1776.
Jan. 19. Sam., s. of John & Sarah Emberton, b. Nov., 1776.
Jan. 19. Mary, d. (Illegit.) of Sarah Rhodes, of Audley, b. Jan. 11.
Feb. 12. Martha, d. of Lownds & Ann Bower, b. Jan.19.
Feb. 16. Chas., s. of John & Martha Roberts, b. Feb. 3.
Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Yates, b. Dec. 22, 1776.
Folio 16a.
1777, Feb. 23. Betty, d. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Feb. 21.
Mar. 8. Hannah, d. of Paul & Cath. Henbury (of Wrinehill), b. Feb. 26.
Mar. 31. John, s. of John & Eliz. Corn, b. Feb. 25.
Apr. 1. Abraham, s. of Anthony & Mary Moore, b. Feb. 10.
,, Apr. 1. James, s. of John & Ann Dean, b. Mar. 21.
,, Mar. 30. Thos., s. of Thos. & Martha Bate, of Barthomley, b. Jan.7.
Apr. 6. Lettice, d. of Joseph & Martha Platt, b. Jan. 10.
,, Apr. 12. Martha, d. of Chas. & Margaret Broade, b. Mar. 10.
,, Apr. 24. John, s. of Walter & Mary Brassington, b. Dec. 6, 1776.
,, Apr. 27. Eliz., d. of Henry & Mary Towers, b. Mar. 14.
May 17. Wm., s. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, of Audley, b. Ap. 18.
May 17. Mary, d. of Thos, & Ann Appleby, of Audley, b. Ap. 30.
May 21. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton, b. Mar. 6.
June 1. Wm., s. of John & Eliz. Plant, b. Mar. 11.
June 21. Ann, d. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. May 30.
July l. John Hassall, s. of Mr. John Gardner, Surgeon, & Mary, his wife, b. Mar. 30.
July 20. Martha, d. of Ralph & Sarah Shaw, of Balterley, b. June 22.
Aug. 3. Mary, d. of John & Mary Johnson, b. July 18.
Aug. 9. Hugh, s. of Ralph & Ann Henshall, b. June 18.
Aug. 17. Eliz., d. of Georg. & Eliz. Meakin, b. July 31.
Aug. 29. Mary, d. of Thos. & Frances Brereton, b. Aug. 19.
Aug. 31. Eliz., d. of Thos. & Eliz. Wylde, b. Aug. 19.
Sept. 7. Eliz., d. of Benj. & Sarah Butler, b, June 23.
Sept. 14. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Cooper, b. Sept. 5.
1777, Oct. 12. Mary, d. of John & Ann Brookes, of Wybunbury, b. Mar. 4.
Oct. 14. Matth., s. of Sam. & Mary Salt, b. Sept. 1.
Oct. 14. John, s. of Joseph & Eliz. Booth, b. Sept. 17.
Oct. 14. Thos., s. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Ap. 24.
Oct. 26. Wm., s. of John & Martha Lowe, of Barthomley, b. Oct. 17.
Oct. 26. John, s. of Joseph Murphy, a Traveller, & Cath., his wife, b. Oct. 13.
Folio 17.
Nov. 9. Andrew, s. of Georg. & Sarah Bate, b. May 31.
Nov. 9. John, s. (illegit.) of Ann Gibbons, b. Nov. 4.
Dec. 14. Sam., s. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. Sept. 21.
Dec. 14. James, s. of Ralph & Hannah Harrison, b. Sept. 29.
1778, Jan. 1. Eliz., d. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Dec. 7.
Jan. 4. Ann, d. of John & Ann Gater, b. Oct. 4.
Jan. 5. Wm., s. of John & Mary Whalley, b. Dec. 14.
Jan. 8. Eliz., d. of Thos. & Sarah Hewit, b. Nov. 29.
,, Jan. 18. Thos., s. of Isaac & Phebe Lunt, b. Nov. 26.
,, Feb. 4. Ann, d. of John & Mary Hancock, b. Mar. 25, 1775.
Feb. 4. James, s. of John & Mary Hancock, b. Jan. 24.
Feb. 7. Mary, d. of James & Hannah Bedson, b. Dec. 31.
Mar. 11. Eliz., d. of Thos. & Sarah Breward, b. Feb. 26.
Mar. 29. John, s. of Eliz. Hoyne, illegit., b. Mar. 24.
Mar. 29. Ann, d. of Benj. & Dorothy Fox, b. Mar. 19.
Apr. 21. James, s. of James & Jane Heath, b, Mar. 23.
Apr. 21. Ann Arnfield, d. of John & Ann Arnfield Shuffelbotham, b. Mar. 23.
May 3. Eliz., d. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. Ap. 30.
May 10. Hannah, d, of John & Ann Thursfield, b. Mar. 15.
May 24. Ann, d. of Georg. & Ellen Cheatem, b. Ap. 9.
May 24. Rich., s. of Rich. & Jane Berkin, b. May 20.
1778, May 31. Joseph Simm, s. of Jane Weaver, illegit., b. May 26.
,, June 14. John, s. of Thos. & Mary Potts, b. June 6.
June 21. Thos.. s. of Thos. & Elizab. Webb, b. June 19.
June 28. James, s. of John & Elizab. Heath, b. May 11.
,, July 19. Ann, d. of John & Ann Jackson, b. July 2.
Aug. 16. Fenton, s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, b. Feb. 2.
Aug. 23. Thos., s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker, b. Aug. 13.
Aug. 30. Wm., s. of Ann Keen, b. Aug. 26.
Folio 17a.
,, July 14. Bate, s. of John & Ellen Johnson, b. Sept. 6.
Oct. 18. James, s, of John & Ann Dale, b. Oct. 10.
Nov. 8. Susannah, s. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington, b. Nov. 1.
Nov. 29. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah Butlar, b. Nov.10.
Dec. 25. James, s. of Sam. & Mary Brittain, b. Dec. 25.
1779, Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Lownes & Ann Bowers, b. Jan. 9.
Feb. 3. Matthew, s. of Chas. & Cath. Hand, b. Nov. 23.
Feb. 7. John, s. of James & Sarah Grocott, b. Jan. 26.
Feb. 21. Mary, d. of Joseph & Martha Platt, b. Nov. 17.
Feb. 21. Eliz., d. of Wm. & Ellen Hollins, b. Feb. 10.
Feb. 28. John, s. of Thos. & Sarah Gibbons, b. Feb. 3.
Mar. 21. Chas., s. of Geor, & Eliz. Garner, of Wybunbury, b. Feb. 25.
Mar. 21. Mary, d. of John & Ann Dean, b. Mar. 14.
Mar. 28. Georg., s. of Thos. & Ann Appleby, of Audley parish, b. Jan. 15.
Apr. 10. Thos., s. of Jonathan & Dorothy Whildon, b. Jan.27.
,, Apr. 6. Aronla, d. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Jan. 16.
May 7. Eliz., d. of Georg. Mainwaring & Eliz., his wife, of Barthomley, b. Ap. 10.
1779, May 25 (?). Martha, d. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Ap. 28.
June 22. Eliz,., d. of John & Mary Gardner, b. Ap. 11.
June 27. Mary, d. of John & Eliz. Plant, b, Ap. 2.
June 27. Martha, d. of Georg. & Sarah Bate, b. Ap. 23.
June 28. Eliz., d,.of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. June 24.
July 4. John, s. of Wm. & Eliz. Corne, b. May 26.
Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Yates, b. June 4.
Aug. 15. Ann, d. of John & Martha Roberts, b. Aug. 2.
Oct. 3. Eliz., d. of Georg. & Eliz. Steel, of Barthomley, b. Sept. 9.
Oct. — Eliz., d. of Joseph & Sarah Collier, of Wrinehill, in p. of Wybunbury, b. July 6.
Folio 18.
Oct. 3. Watkin, s. of John & Susannah Dawson, of Audley, b. Jan. 3.
Nov. 7. Sarah, d. of Daniel & Dorothy Glover, b. Oct. 4.
Dec. 26. John, s. of Wm. & Ann Henbury, b. Nov. I.
Dec. 28. Kath., d. of Thos. & Eliz. Clowes, b. Nov. 19.
1780, Jan. l. Eliz., d. of Owen & Mary Bennion, of Barthomley, b. Nov. 15.
Jan. 12. Fanny, d. of Adam & Mary Mountford, of Barthomley, b. Nov. 14.
Jan. 14. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Hannah Swinnerton, b. Dec. 8.
Jan. 29. Paul, s. of Joseph & Eliz. Henbury, of Wrinehill, Wybunbury, b. Jan. 19.
Jan. 30. Wm., s. of Geo. & Hannah Platt, b. Dec. 26.
Feb. 8. Martha, d. of Thos. & Martha Bate, b. Dec. 12.
Feb. 16. Phebe, d. of Isaac & Phebe Lunt, b. Jan. l.
Feb. 20. Wm., s. of Hannah (illegit.) Malpas, b. Dec. 31.
Feb. 27. Georg., s. of Anthony & Mary Moore, b. Feb. 13.
Mar. 8. Thos., s. of Thos. & Frances Brereton, b. Jan. 29.
1780, Mar. 24. Sam., s. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Jan. 19.
Mar. 27. Jane, d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Jan. 3.
,, Mar. 31. Eliz., d. of Watn. & Ann Brassington, b. May 23, 1779.
Apr. 2. Georg., s. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, b. Mar. 20.
,, Apr. 5. Mary, d. of John & Eliz. Meakin, b. Mar. 31.
,, Apr. 16. Ellen, d. of John & Mary Unwin Walley, b. Jan. 7.
Apr. 23. Mary, d. of John & Ann Bentley, of Balterley, in p. of Wybunbury (sic), b. Mar. 23.
May 10. Ellen, d. of Thos. & Sarah Hewitt, b. Ap. 7.
Folio 18a.
May 21. Wm., s. of Mary Smith, illegit., b. May l.
May 21. Mary, d. of Thos. & Eliz. Wylde, b. May 5.
June 4. Edw., s. of John & Martha Cooper, b. May 14.
June 11. Ralph, s. of John & Martha Lowe, of Barthomley, b. Ap. 2.
June 18. Anne, d. of John & Ann Cookson, of Wybunbury, b. May 10.
July 30. Ann, d. of Joseph & Sarah Butler, b. July 9.
Aug. 2. Thos., s. of John & Mary Hancock, b. May 4.
Aug. 6. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Lufkin, b. July 20.
Aug. 6. Ann, d. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. July 31.
Aug. 13. Wm., s. of Paul & Cath. Henbury, b. July 21.
Aug. 16. Thos., s. of Mr. John Gardner, Surgeon, & Mary, his wife, b. June 27.
Sept. 3. Samuel, s. of John & Eliz. Corke, b. Aug. 9.
Sept. 17. John, s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, b. Sept. 8.
Oct. — Wm., s. of Daniel & Ann Smith, of Buddeley, p. Barthomley, b. Oct. 4.
Nov. 5. Peggy, d. of Benj. & Sarah Butler, b. Ap. 29.
Nov. 5. Wm., s. of Georg. & Sarah Bates, b. ——.
Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. July 27.
Dec. 3. Thos., s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. Aug. 20.
,, Dec. 10. Joseph, s. of Dan. & Dorothy Glover, b. Nov. 30.
Dec. 17. Martha, d. of John & Ellen Barton, b. Nov. 6,
1780, Dec. 24. James, s. of Thos. & Eliz. Webb, b. Nov. 30.
Dec. 25. Eliz., d. of Lownds & Ann Bowers, b. Dec. 12.
Dec. 31. Daniel, s. of John & Ellen Johnson, b. Dec. 11.
Folio 19.
1781, Jan. 7. Sarah, d. of Owen & Mary Bennion, of Barthomley, b. Dec. 10, 1780.
Jan. 28. Ann, d. of Mary Grocott (illegit.), of Audley, b. Jan. 20.
Feb. 4. John, s. of Benj. & Dorothy Fox, b. Jan. 30.
Feb. 4. Ann, d. of Thos. & Sarah Latham, of Barthomley, b. Jan.8.
Feb. 4. Mary, d. of Georg. & Sarah Meakin, b. Oct. 14.
Feb. 21. Eliz., d. of Sarah Stokes, born Feb. 15.
Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Jonath. & Dorothy Whildon, b. Feb. 6.
Mar. 25. James, s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker, b. Feb. 18.
Apr. 15. Eliz., d. of John & Eliz. Plant, b. Feb. 3.
Apr. 22. Dinah, d. of Joseph & Mary Platt, b. Mar. 29.
May 20. Eliz., d. of Wm. & Ann Cook, b. May 5.
June 10. Julia, d. of Rich. Merry, b. May 12.
June 10. Thos., s. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. May 28.
June 24. James, s. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. June 24.
July 8. Ann, d. of Wm. & Ellen Hollinshead, b. June 4.
Aug. 2. Ellen, d. of James & Alice Gibbons, b. July 8.
Aug. 5. James, s. of Daniel & Mary Hewitt, b. Aug. 1.
Aug. 5. Smith, s, of Sam. & Mary Salt, b. July 2.
Aug. 26. John, s. of John & Ann Dean, b. Ap. 28.
Sept. 7. Ann, d. of Frances (illegit.) Waram, b. Aug. 24.
Sept. 16. Wm., s. of John & Jemima Clowes, b. Aug. 28.
1781, Oct. 7. Margaret, d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Sept. 24.
Oct. 7. Georg., s. of Thos. & Sarah Gibbons, b. Sept. 15.
Oct. 7. Daniel, s. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, parish of Audley, b. Sept. 29.
Oct. 8. John, s. of John & Ann Shuffelbotham, b. Sept. 3.
Oct. 14. Eliz., d. of Isaac & Eliz. Shuffelbotham, of Barthomley, b. Oct. 1.
Folio 19a.
Oct. 28. Sam., s. of Hannah (illegit.) Whittaker, b. Sept. 4.
Nov. 25. Eliz., d. of John & Eliz. Heath, b. Oct. 8.
Dec. 9. Mary, d. of James & Mary Plant, b. Nov. 7.
1782, Jan. 1. Amy, d. of Ann (illegit.) Swinnerton.
Jan. 4. Georg., s. of Stephen & Mary Mathers, Gorstiehill, p. of Wybunbnry, b. Nov. 5.
Feb. 13. Hannah, d. (illegit.) of Yates (sic), b. Jan. 20.
,, Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Roberts, of Audley, b. Mar. 9.
Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Walley, of Madeley, b. Mar. 17.
Apr. 14. John, s. of Georg. & Ellen Cheatham, b. Nov. 27.
Apr.. 21. Georg., s. of Water & Ann Brassington, b. Jan. 17.
,, Apr. 21. Wm., s. of Thos. & Mary Yates, b. Jan. 26.
May 1. Mary, d. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Ap. 21.
,, May 5. Mary, d. of Thos. & Sarah Hewitt, b. Feb. 19.
May 16. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. Mar. 11.
May 21. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Lydia Plant, b. Mar. 13.
,, June 2. John, s. of Robert & Hannah Janes, b. Feb. 18.
,, June 2. Anastasia, d. of Chas. & Alice Gater, b. May 22.
,, Sept. 1. John, s. of Wm. & Mary Hodgkinson, parish of Audley, b. July 3.
Bishop’s visitation, Sept. 24, 1782.
1782, Oct. 6. Wm., s. of Anthony & Mary Moore, of Barthomley, b. Sept. 14.
Oct. 6. John, s. of John & Mary Burgess, b. Aug. 15.
Folio 20.
Oct. 13. Eliz., d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Sept. 9.
Oct. 13. Ralph, s. of John & Sarah Hewitt.
Oct. 14. John, s. of John & Mary Burgess, b. Aug. 21.
Oct. 20. James, s. of James & Mary Nailor, b. Ap. 16.
Nov. 3. Wm., s. of Wm. & Sarah Redferne, b. Oct. 15.
Nov. 10. Sam., s. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, b. Oct. 4.
Nov. 17. Dan., s. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Nov. 2.
Nov. 17. Barbara, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Bailey, b. Nov. 11.
Nov. 17. Nancy, d. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. Oct. 11.
1783, Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of John & Martha Lowe, Barthomley, b. Nov. 24.
Jan. 7. Alice, d. of Thos. & Eliz. Clowes, b. Aug. 29.
Jan. 14. Sarah, d. of Jonathan & Dorothy Whildon, b. Oct. 22.
Jan. 24. Wm., s. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. Jan. 2.
Jan. 17. Dan., s. of Dan. & Dorothy Glover, b. Jan. 17.
Mar. 2. Margaret [erased], d. of Thos. & Eliz. Wild, b. Feb. 22.
,, Mar. 9. Ann, d. of Joseph & Eliz. Henbury, b. Feb. 1.
Mar. 30. Thos., s. of Robt. & Eliz. Dale, b. Dec. 6.
Apr. 13. Georg., s. of Dan. & Mary Hewitt, b. Ap. 5.
Apr. 20. Ellen, d. of Wm. & Ellen Hollingshead, b. Mar. 27.
Apr. 20. Ann, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, b. Ap. 9.
May 4. Sarah, d. of Rich. & Mary Merrey, b. Ap. 11.
June 22. Joseph, s. of John & Ann Jackson, b. May 27.
June 22. Bryan, s. of John & Mary Hancock, b. Mar. 30.
June 29. Thos., s. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington, b. June 22.
,, July 13. Henry, d. of John & Martha Cooper, b. June 24.
Aug. 3. Amy, d. of James & Alice Gibbons, b. Ap. 27.
,, Aug. 3. Betty, d. of James & Mary Plant, b. June 3.
1783, Aug. 3. Jane, d. of Lownds & Ann Bowers, b. July 19.
Sept. 7. John, s. of Ann Keen (illegit), b. Mar. 14.
Sept. 4. Robt., s. of James & Jane Heath, b. Sept. 4.
Sept. 14. James, s. of Joseph & Mary Elloms, b. Nov.22.
Sept. 21. Mathew, s. of Sam. & Sarah Nailor, b. May 21.
Folio 20a.

BAPTISMS next after the Act of Parliament took place in the year 1783.

,, Oct. 26. Mary, d. of Wm. & Ann Coolee, b. Sept. 29.
Nov. 2. Ann, d. of Thos. & Sarah Gibbons, b. Sept. 29.
Dec. 5. Ann, d. of John & Ann Heath, b. Nov. 28.
,, Dec. 25. Matth. Low, s. of Wm. & Mary Smith, born Oct. 23.
Dec. 25. Mary, d. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Dec. 20.
Dec. 27. James Arnfield, s. of John & Ann Shufflebotham, b. Dec.6.
1784, Jan. 25. Alice, d. of Joseph & Sarah Heys, b. Jan. 21.
Feb. 22. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. Feb. 14.
Mar. 14. Alice, d. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Mar. 4.
,, Mar. 14. John, s. of Thos. and Ann Voyse, b. Mar. 7.
,, Mar. 21. Jane, d. of Thos. & Eliz. Heath, of Audley, b. Feb. 21.
Mar. 21. Matth., s. of John & Mary Walley, of Madeley, b. Feb. 24.
Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Peter & Ann Dulton, b. Mar. 13.
,, Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Renwell & Sarah Steel, of Audley, b. Mar. 26.
Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Hugh & Rachael Henshaw, b. Mar. 21.
May 2. Fanny, d. of John & Ann Dean, b. Dec. 31.
June 18. Rich., s. of Georg. & Eliz. Steel, Buddeley, b. June 8.
July 11. Amy, d. of Isaac & Eliz. Shufflebotham, of Barthomley, b. June 14.
1784, July 18. Wm., s. of James & Ann Malpass, b. July 17.
July 18. Mary, d. of Georg. & Ellen Cheatham, b. Jan. 24.
July 21. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Gardner, b. Ap. 9.
Aug. 1. John, s. of John & Ellen Johnson, b. June 21.
Aug. 1. Joseph, s. of Rich. & Hannah Peake, b. July 10.
Aug. 1. Wm., s. of Georg. & Hannah Whittaker, b. July 1.
Sept. 19. Ann, d. of John & Eliz. Heath, b. Aug. 21.
Oct. 10. James, s. of James & Sarah Hinkley, b. Sept. 9.
Oct. 10. Eliz., d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Oct. 4.
Aug. 10. Wm., s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, b. Aug. 9.
Oct. 17. Jenny, d. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. Sept. 25.
Nov. 1. Thos., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Ward, b. Oct. 4.
Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ellen Harris, b. Oct. 28.
Dec. 5. Wm., s. (illegit.), of Ann Taylor, b. Nov. 9.
Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Joseph & Frances Eaton, b. Oct. 8.
1785, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Wm. & Lydia Plant, b. Oct. 21, 1784.
Jan. 23. Ann, d. of Dan. & Dorothy Glover, b. Dec. 21.
Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Elloms, b. Dec. 8.
Feb. 13. Wm., s. (illegit) of Ann Hall, b. ffeb. 4.
Mar. 16. Thos., s. of Wm. & Mary Hodkinson, of Audley, b. Feb. 18.
Mar. 20. Eliz., d. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, of Audley, b. Mar. 13.
Apr. 3. Jane, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Bayley, b. Feb. 10.
May 24. Farmer, s. of Lownds & Ann Bowers, b. Ap. 12.
May 29. John [erased originally], s. of Ephraim & Martha Peppers, b. May 4.
June 11. Margaret, d. of John & Eliz. Cork, b. May 6.
,, July 3. Susannah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington, b. June 21.
1785, June 1. Nancy, d. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. June 1.
July 17. Eliz., d. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, of Audley, b. Ap. 25.
July 31. Thos., s. of John & Ann Dale, b. Ap. 10.
July 31. Mary, d. of Rich. & Mary Merrey, b. June 9.
July 31. Sam., s. of Elias & Dorothy Harrison, b. June 9.
,, Aug. 14. Thos., s. of John & Mary Clowes, of Audley, b. May 30.
Aug. 28. Moriah, d. of Dan. & Mary Hewitt, b. Aug. 22.
Sept. 18. Selena, d. of Sam. & Mary Hassells, b. Aug. 22.
,, Sept. 25. Sarah, d. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Sept. 5.
Oct. 2. Anastasia, d. of Randle & Amy Littler, b. Sept. 4.
Oct. 9. Rich., s. of Rich. & Alice Bailey, of Barthomley, b. Sept. 11.
,, Oct. 9. Sarah, d. of Renwell & Sarah Steel, of Audley, b. Sept. 25.
Oct. 23. Jane, d. of James & Mary Plant, b. Sept. 21.
,, Dec. 18. James, s. of James & Martha Barlow, b. Nov. 9.
1786, Jan. 5. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Eliz. Barrow, b. Oct. 22.
Jan. 29. Georg., s. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Jan. 24.
Feb. 19. Eliz., d. of Wm. & Lydia Plante, b. Feb. 14.
,, Feb. 26. Chas., s. of Thos. & Ann Voyse, b. Jan. 18.
,, Feb. 26. Betty, d. of Rich. & Hannah Peake, of Wybunbury, b. Feb. 5.
Mar. 20. Ann, d. (illegit.) of Martha Collier.
,, Mar. 26. Jane, d. of Jonathan & Dorothy Whildon, b. Feb. 23.
Apr. 2. Eliz., d. of James & Alice Gibbons, b. Ap. 3.
,, Apr. 9. Ann, d. of Thos. & Sarah Gibbons, b. Mar. 5.
,, Apr. 9. Wm., s. of Wm. & Mary Hollinshead, b. Ap. 2.
Apr. 9. Georg., s. of Georg. & Ellen Cheatham, b. Feb. 15.
1786, May 21. Rhoda, d. of Joseph & Martha Platt, b. Ap. 16.
May 28. Martha, d. of John & Martha Cooper, b. May 6.
June 4. Hannah, d. of John & Betty Shakeshafts, b.June 3.
June 18. Thos., s. of Thos. & Eliz. Wild, b. Ap. 13.
July 30. John, s. of John & Ann Heath, of Wybunbury, b. June 20.
July 30. Mary Lowe, d. of Wm. & Mary Smith, b. June 8.
Baptisms since the last Lord Bishop’s Visitation, delivered in at Stafford in the year 1786.
,, Aug. 15. Daniel, s. of Jane Gater (illegit.), b. July 27.
,, Sept. 10. Wm., s. of Peter & Ann Dutton, b. June 29.
,, Oct. 8. Luke, s. of Ann Keen (illegit.), b. May 3.
,, Oct. 8. Jane, d. of James & Sarah Hinkley, b. Oct. 5.
Oct. 8. James, s. of John & Eliz. Heath, b. June 22.
,, Oct. 22. Hannah, d. of Abraham & Eliz. Nicklin, of Audley, b. Sept. 17.
Dec. 17. Georg., s. of Thos. & Eliz. Huxley, b. Dec. 1.
,, Dec. 20. Mary, d. of James & Jane Heath, b. Dec. 20.
1787, Jan. 14. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Elloms, b. Feb. 27, 1786.
,, Feb. 2. Jane, d. of John & Ann Jackson, b. Feb. 2.
,, Feb. 18. James, s. of Rich. & Mary Harrison, b. Jan. 24.
Mar. 2. Wm., s. of Wm. & Mary Hodgkinson, b. Jan. 25.
Mar. 4. Joseph, s. of John & Martha Roberts, b. Jan. 27.
Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Dan. & Dorothy Glover, b. Mar. 10.
Mar. 23. Mary Ann, d. of Daniel & Mary Hewitt, b. Mar. 3.
Mar. 25. Wm., s. of Renwell & Sarah Steel, b. Feb. 25.
Apr. 8. Robt., s. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. Feb. 21.
1787, Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. Nov. 17, 1786.
,, Apr. 10. Nehome, d. of Rhode Keen (illegit.), b. Dec. 14, 1786.
Apr. 10. John, s. of Isaac & Ann Scott, b. Jan. 14.
,, Apr. 22. Peter, s. of Sam. & Mary Dean, b. Mar. 10.
,, Apr. 22. Joseph, s. of Ralph & Hannah Bagnall, b. Mar. 21.
,, May 3. Betty, d. of Ann Gibbons (illegit.).
,, June 17. George, s. of John & Eliz. Plant, b. May 23.
,, June 17. Thos., s. of Willm. & Eliz. Bayley, b. June 1.
,, June 24. Wm., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, of Audley, b. May 29.
July 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Collier, b. May 10.
Aug. 15. John, s. of John & Isabella Bagnall, b. July 8.
Aug. 26. Eliz., d. of James & Ann Malpass, b. Aug. 19.
Sept. 16. Eliz., d. of Isaac & Eliz. Shufflebotham, of Barthomley, b. Aug. 2.
,, Sept. 30. Wm., s. of Wm. & Ellen Hollinshead, b. Sept. 17.
,, Oct. 7. John, s. of John & Mary Clowes, of Audley, b. July 5.
Oct. 7. Sarah, d. of James & Sarah Meakin, b. Sept. 26.
Oct. 7. Ann, d. of Wm. & Sarah Grocott, of Audley, b. June 13.
Oct. 21. Matth., s. of Sam. & Sarah Leighton, b. Sept. 22.
Oct. 21. John, s. of Thos. & Hannah Brassington, b. Aug. 7.
,, Oct. 21. Edw., s. of Thos. & Sarah Hassall, b. Aug. 1.
,, Nov. 1. James, s. (illegit.) of Sarah Bate, b. Oct. 8.
,, Nov. 4. Ann, d. (illegit.) of Alice Viggars, b. July 28.
Nov. 4. Eliz., d. of Joseph & Frances Eaton, b. Oct. 21.
Dec. 2. Cath., d. of Chas. & Sarah Gater, b. Nov. 14.
Dec. 27. Thos., s. of Rich. & Hannah Peake, b. Nov. 17.
1787, Dec. 30. Thos., s. of John & Ann Whalley, b. Nov. 18.
Dec. 30. Rich., s. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Nov.13.
1788, Jan. 20. Peggy, d. of Ephraim & Martha Pepper, b. Nov.23, 1787.
Jan. 7. James, s. of John & Sarah Hewitt, b. Dec. 29, 1787.
Feb. 10. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Eliz. Henbury, b. Jan. 16.
Feb. 21. James Meakin, s. of John & Margt. Gardner, Sept. 1, 1787.
Feb. 24. John, s. of Wm. & Ann Cook, b. Feb. 7.
Feb. 25. Aaron, s. of Aaron & Sarah Gleeves, b. Feb. 25.
Feb. 25. Sarah, d. of Aaron & Sarah Gleeves, b. Feb. 25.
May 18. Thos., s. of James & Martha Barlow, b. Ap. 22.
June l. Hannah, d. of Renwell & Sarah Steel, b. May 20.
July 13. Eliz., d. of Joseph & Sarah Moakes, b. June 2.
[The next entry, July 31, is carefully crossed out.]
July 27. Brittain, s. of James & Mary Heath, b. May 28.
July 31. Mary, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Barrow, b. Mar. 27.
Aug. 29. John Fenton, s. of J. Armitstead (Clerk) & Catherine, his wife, b. Aug. 29.
Aug. 31. Ma[ry?], d. of James & Alice Gibbons, b. July 14.
Sept. 14. Peggy, d. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. Aug. 21.
Sept. 28. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Frances Hall, b. July 9.
Oct. 12. Joseph, s. of John & Eliz. Brougham, b. Sept. 26.
Oct. 12. Thos., s. of Isaac & Ann Scott, b. July 24.
Oct. 26. Ann, d. of Georg. & Mary Heath, b. Oct. 2.
Nov. l. Mary, d. of Daniel & Dorothy Glover, b. Oct.1l
1788, Nov. 2. Hannah, d. of John & Sarah Sproson, b. Sept. 30.
Nov. 2. Wm., s. of Rich. & Alice Bailey, b. Oct. 26.
Nov. 2. Wm., s. of Joseph & Hannah Brassington, b. Aug. 18.
Nov. 9. Ann, d. of John & Eliz. Plant b. Oct. 17.
Dec. 25. Thos. Dale, s. of Peter & Mary Brownsword, b. Nov. 4.
1789, Jan. 3. Eliz., d. of Peter & Ann Dutton, b. Nov. 29.
,, Jan. 4. Lucy, d. of Thos. & Eliz. Huxley, b. Dec. 6.
,, Jan. 11. Wm., s.of James & Sarah Hinkley, b. Dec.7.
Feb. 8. Wm., s. of Thos. & Sarah Gibbons, b. Dec. 3.
,, Feb. 15. Mary, d. of Rich. & Mary Jennings, b. Jan. 25.
,, Feb. 15. Ann, d. of Wm. & Lydia Plant, b. Jan. 3.
,, Feb. 15. Job, s. of Ephraim & Mary Brunt, b. Jan. 15.
Feb. 23. Thos., s. of Ralph & Hannah Bagnall, b. Jan. 10.
Feb. 24. Thos., s. of Joseph & Mary Elloms, b. Nov. 24.
Mar. 15. Wm., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Birkes, b. Mar. 15.
Mar. 27. Thos., s. of Martha Smith (illegit.), b. Mar. 21.
,, Mar. 29. John, s. of Thos. & Eliz. Wild, b. Mar. 21.
Apr. 12. Ann, d. of John & Ann Whalley, b. Mar. 28.
May 3. John, s. of John & Martha Cooper, b. Ap. 9.
May 31. Eliz., d. of Thos. & Eliz. Clowes, b. Dec. 3.
June 14. Eliz., d. of John & Betty Shakeshaft, b. Ap. 23.
,, June 21. Charles, s. of John & Mary Clowes, of Audley, b. May 8.
June 21. Thos., s. of James & Mary Cotton, b. May 17.
June 28. John, s.. of Aaron & Sarah Gleaves, b. June 22.
July 12. Wm., s. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. Dec. 6.
Aug. 1. Wm., s. of John & Mary Gibbons, b. June l.
Aug. 16. Martha, d. of Joseph & Martha Platt, b. Mar. 28.
Aug. 30. Wm., s. of Hannah Wood, illegit. & pauper, b. Aug.4.
1789, Sept. 25. Margaret, d. of John & Margaret Gardner, b. Feb. 20.
Sept. 27. [Interlined] Wm., s. of James & Mary Heath, b. Sept. 27.
Oct. 11. Mary, d. of John & Martha Jervis, b. Sept. 18.
Oct. 11. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Ellen Hollinshead, b. Aug. 29.
Oct. 11. James, d. of Thos. & Hannah Lewis, b. Sept. 30.
Oct. 11. Ann, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, of Audley, b. Sept. 30.
Oct. 18. Wm., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Bayley (pauper), b. Sept. 23.
Oct. 18. George, s. of Thos. & Eliz. Birkin, b. Oct. 6.
1790, Jan. 24. Mary, d. of Sam. & Eliz. Harding, b. Jan. 19.
Jan. 31. George, s. of Thos. & Sarah Harris, of Wibunbury, b. Jan.19.
Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Rich. & Margaret Harrison, pauper, b. Dec. 12.
Feb. 24. Wm., s. of Ann (illegit. & pauper) Gibbons, b. Feb. 16.
Mar. 14. Sam., s. of John & Isabella Bagnall, b. Feb. 8.
[Interlined] Farmer, s. of Ann Keen, b. Mar. 25.
May 16. Catherine, d. of Randle & Amy Littler, b. Apr.22.
May 16. John, s. of Daniel & Dorothy Glover, b. May 9.
May 23. John, s. of John & Martha Roberts, b. May 14.
May 23. Sarah, d. of Isaac & Ann Scott, b. Ap. 14.
July 4. John, s. of Joseph & Eliz. Henbury, b. June 18.
July 25. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah Moakes, b. Ap. 6.
Aug. l. Thos., s. of Joseph & Frances Eaton, b. June 7.
1790, Sept. 26. Hannah, d. of Peter & Mary Brownsword, b. Aug. 30.
Sept. 26. Mary, d. of Ephraim & Martha Pepper, b. Aug. 18.
Nov. 14. Mary, d. of James & Mary Heath, b. Nov. 7.
Dec. 25. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Sarah Brammer, b. Aug. 27.
1791, Jan. 1. John, s. of James & Sarah Hinkley, b. Dec. 1.
,, Jan. 16. Wm., s. of Joseph & Mary Elloms, b. Oct. 19.
Feb. 6. Mary, d. of Wm. & Martha Major, of Barthomley, b. Jan. 15.
Feb. 27. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Sproson, b. Feb. 8.
Mar. 9. Sam., s. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. Dec. 2, [1790].
Mar. 9. Thos., s. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. Feb. 16.
Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Geo. & Margaret Glover, of Barthomley, b. Feb. 15.
,, Mar. 20. Alice, d. of Joseph & Eliz. Brassington, b. Sep. 18.
Apr. 8. Betty, d. of Wm. & Betty Hand (pauper), b. Feb. 27, 1790.
Apr. 10. Geo., s. of Wm. & Betty Hand (pauper), b. Feb.30,1788.
Apr. 24. Joseph, s. of John & Eliz. Plant, b. Feb. 10.
Apr. 24. James, s. of Thos. & Sarah Broad, b. Mar. 13.
Apr. 24. John, s. of John & Ann Whalley, b. Mar. 6.
Apr. 23. Sarah, d. of Mary Merrey (pauper), b. Ap. 17.
Apr. 27. Ann, d. of Thos. & Mary Hodgkins, of Audley, b. Feb. 16.
,, May 8. John, s. of Joseph & Frances Hall, b. Oct. 4, 1790.
June 12. Margaret, d. of James & Mary Gibbons, b. Jan. 12.
June 12. John, s. of John & Eliz. Brougham, b. Ap. 30.
June 19. John, s. of John & Sarah Swindale, b. June 5.
June 26. John, s. of James & Ann Malpass, b. Mar. 16.
John, the Son of [interlined].
1791, June 26. Ann, d. of Wm. & Ann Cook, b. May 29.
July 3. James, s. of James & Mary Cotton, b. June 21.
July 10. Sam., s. of John & Mary Clowes, b. Ap. 15.
July 14. Chas., s. of Wm. & Mary Hodgkins, of Audley, b. June 13.
July 24. Ellen, d. of John & Frances Ainsworth. of Barthomley, b. July 2.
July 31. [Interlined] John, s. of Aaron & Sarah Gleaves, b. July 24.
Aug. 7. Bridget, d. of Rich. & Jane Birkin, b. June 24.
Aug. 14. Wm., s. of Thos. & Eliz. Wild, b. Aug. 5.
BAPTISMS since the last Lord Bishop’s Visitation, delivered in at Stafford the 27th day of August, 1791.
Sept. 11. Hannah, d. of Revd. Isaac & Hannah Pennington, b. Feb. 9.
Oct. 9. Thos., s. of Elijah & Ann Webb, b. Sept. 4,
Oct. 11. Martha, d. o John & Ellen Mathers, b. June 21.
Oct. 11. George [over erasure], s. of Thos. & Ann Vyse, b. Sept. 20.
Oct. 12. Thos,, s. of Geo. & Ellen Heath, of Wybunbury, b. July 29.
Nov. 13. James, s. of Henry & Catherine Stoakes, b. Oct. 22.
Dec. 11. John, s. (illegit.) of Jane Gater, b. Dec. 7.
Dec. 11. Betty, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Bailey, b. Nov. 14.
Dec. 30. Thos., s. of Wm. & Mary White, b. Nov. 28.
1792. Jan. 1. Randle, s. of John & Martha Cooper, b. Dec. 19.
Jan. 8. Thos. Brittain, s. of James & Mary Heath, b. Dec. 28.
Jan. 12. James, s. of Adam & Mary Mountford, of Barthomley, b. Feb. 8.
Jan, 22. Wm., s. of Renwel & Mary Steel, of Audley, b. Dec. 23.
,, Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Harris, of Wybunbury, b. Jan. 17.
1792, Feb. 14. Geo., s. of Thos. & Alice Seacome, b. Jan. 31.
Feb. 19. Nancy, d. of Thos. & Ann Aldershaw, of Audley, b. Jan. 19.
Mar. 4. Geo., s. of Dan. & Dorothy Glover, b. Feb. 8.
Mar. 11. Charlcs, s. of James & Sarah Lewis, of Checkley Brook, in Wybunbury, b. Feb. 16.
Apr. 8. Ann, d. of Henry & Eliz. Chesters [this entry is in a different hand].
Apr. 8. Thos., s. of Dan. & Eliz. Weaver, of Wrinehill, b. Mar. 21.
Apr. 20. Sam., s. of Mr. Wm. & Eliz. Harding, b. Nov. 7.
Apr. 29. Mary, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Sylvester, of Madeley, b. Ap. 1.
Apr. 29. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Moakes, b. Mar. 14.
May 6. Ann, d. of Wm. & Hannah Lewis, b. Dec. 22, 1791.
May 27. Ellen, d. of John & Sarah Platt, b. Ap. 4.
,, May 29. Wm. Swinnerton, s. of Thos. Warton, of Barthomley, & Eliz., his wife, b. May 18.
May 30. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Wilding, b. May 5.
June 10. Thos., s. of Thos. Bill & Ann, his wife, of Gorsty Hill, of Wybunbury, b. May 9.
June 24. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Frances Eaton, b. Ap. 26.
July l. James, s. of Wm. & Ellen Hollinshead, b. June 11.
July 2. Wm., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Holding, of Gaustyhill, in Wybunbury parish, b. Ap. 12.
July 8. Geo., s. of John & Martha Roberts, of Audley, b. May 14.
July 10. Matthew Meakin, s. of John & Margaret Gardner, b. Sept. 14, 1791.
July 22. Thos., s. of Wm. & Jane Wilkshaw, of Ely, in Audley parish, b. June 29.
Aug. 6. [Interlined] Ann, d. of Rich. & Ann Mare, of Hanley, b. Sept. 23, 1787.
1792, Oct. 7. James, s. of John & Eliz. Gater, of Barthomley, b. Feb. 3.
Oct. 8. Geo., s. of Thos. & Eliz. Huxley, b. Sept. 18.
Oct. 28. Sam., s. of Wm. & Eliz. Rhodes, of Audley, b. Oct. 20.
Nov. 4. Martha, d. of Dan. & Ellen Heath, b. Oct. 16.
Nov. 4. James, s. of Ann Lilley (illegit.), b. May.
Nov. 30. Lydia, d. of Ann Keen (illegit.), b. Mar. 16.
,, Dec. 9. Geo., s. of Joseph & Ann Keen, b. July 3.
,, Dec. 23. Philip Hammond, s. of Peter & Mary Browsword, b. Nov. 29.
Dec. 26. John, s. of Martha Smith, illegit. & pauper.
Dec. 30. John, s. of Randle & Amy Litler, b. Aug. 1.
1793, Jan. 7. Thos., s. of John & Isabella Bagnall, b. Dec. 21.
Jan. 24. Wm., s. of Wm. & Betty Ford, b. Dec. 29.
Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of James & Sarah Hinkley, b. Jan.2.
,, Apr. 14. Charlotte, d. of Hugh & Ann Cork, b. Mar. 24.
Apr. 28. Thos., s. of Wm. & Jane Hall, of the Den, in Wybunbury in Cheshire, b. Mar. 29.
,, May 26. Eliz., d. of Rhoda Keen (illegit.), b. May 14.
,, June 2. Charles, s. of Joseph & Frances Hall, b. May 1.
June 2. Mary, d. of John & Eliz. Dickinson, b. May 16.
June 3. John, s. of Eliz. Leighton, b. June 2.
June 9. Geo., s. of Joseph & Hannah Brassington, b. Ap. 2.
June 16. Frances, d. of Revd. Isaac Pennington & Hannah, his wife, b. July 18.
June 16. John, s. of Elijah & Ann Webb, b. Feb. 4.
July 7. Thos., s. of Dan. & Eliz. Weaver, b. June 23.
July 3. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Sarah Brammer, b. 24th —— (sic), 1792.
Aug. 18. Ann, d. of Henry & Eliz. Chesters, of Barthomley, b. July 8.
Sept. 26. Ann, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Harding, b. Ap. 24.
Oct. 13. Sarah, d. of John & Eliz. Swinnerton, b. July 29.
1793, Oct. 13. Martha, d. of Renwell & Sarah Steele, of Audley, b. Jan. 18.
Oct. 13. Wm., s. of John & Ann Brooks, of Wybunbury, b. Aug. 30.
,, Oct. 13. Ann, d. of Joseph & Eliz. Brassington, b. July 28.
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